Vyacheslav Pereta
Russian Masters'
Telephone: Florida 904-688-0192
Telephone: Washington: 206-407-3356
Skype:Finita La Commedia

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Romashko Evgeny

Old Koshovka - oil, canvas
Romashko Evgeny

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Patriarshy Bridge - oil, canvas on panel
Georgy Mamchur

Vyacheslav Pereta

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As many Artists - as many destinies.
Each has their own way in art and each goes his own path in building the personality
and searching for the creative solutions, victories and disappointments.
And the professional realization, the success is possible only with faith,
will and determination.
And there will be many obstacles and difficulties.
And the question: who needs our works if any. It is so easy to live without them.



I never had a dilemma of defining the life path.
I grew up in the Artist’s family and I could see myself only an Artist
and tried on the destinies of my favorite Artists.



To find the individual one needs to see a beautiful picture with the inner sight,
to see the whole real life and it will be and individual seen by only Artist picture.
He will be both a viewer and a creator – the only who could see this wonder.
And the thankful viewer will notice the divine gift of the Artist
and will appreciate his noble work.




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In The Garden In Spring - oil, cardboard

Price: $1,215.00 USD
$ 1,215 USD

Product ID: 24861


Blooming - oil, canvas

Price: $1,215.00 USD
$ 1,215 USD

Product ID: 24860


Old Bakhchisaray - oil, cardboard

Price: $945.00 USD
$ 945 USD

Product ID: 24859


Bird Cherry Blooming - oil, canvas

Price: $1,215.00 USD
$ 1,215 USD

Product ID: 24858


Interior - oil, canvas

Price: $1,350.00 USD
$ 1,350 USD

Product ID: 24857


Spring Still Life - oil, canvas

Price: $1,215.00 USD
$ 1,215 USD

Product ID: 24856


Page 2 of 2 .

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